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Saturday, May 9, 2015
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Vocabulary notebook 12
1. Freak - Hailstorm
Heavy - Rain
Minor - Earthquake
Flash - Flood
Catastrophic - Thunder
2. A building was struck by lightning.
Electrical power was disrupted by an ice storm yesterday.
Two people were severely injured.
The village was struck by hailstones.
3. Freak accident - Томоохон осол
Heavy traffic - Замын түгжрээ
Major earthquake - Хүчтэй газар хөдлөлт
Minor injuries - Бага шиг шарх , хөнгөн гэмтэл
Heavy - Rain
Minor - Earthquake
Flash - Flood
Catastrophic - Thunder
2. A building was struck by lightning.
Electrical power was disrupted by an ice storm yesterday.
Two people were severely injured.
The village was struck by hailstones.
3. Freak accident - Томоохон осол
Heavy traffic - Замын түгжрээ
Major earthquake - Хүчтэй газар хөдлөлт
Minor injuries - Бага шиг шарх , хөнгөн гэмтэл
- Wind-Салхи
- Semiconductor-Хагас дамжуулагч
- Daily-Өдөр тутмын
- Snake-Могой
- Ring-Цагираг, бөгж
- Syllable-Үе , өчүүхэн жижиг хэсэг
- Hailstorm-Ширүүн мөндөр
- Founder-Байгуулагч, үндэслэгч
- Approximately-Ойролцоогоор
- Stolen-Хулгайлах
- Vastly-Маш их
- Legion-Олон тоо
- Contribution-Хувь нэмэр
- Essentially-Үнэн хэрэгтээ
- Far-Хол
- Typically-Ер нь
- Earthquake-Газар хөдлөлт
- Environment-Орчин тойрон
- Presence-Бэлэн байх
- Orient-Дээд зэргийн сувд
- Thunderstorm-
- Hurricane-Хар салхи
- Ware house-Тодорхойлох
- Partially-Хэсэгчлэн
- Progressive-Давшилттай , дэвших
- Entirely-Бүрэн дүүрэн
- Heavy rain-Хүчтэй ширүүн
- Roughly-Бүдүүлгээр
- Disrupt-Саад болох
- To identify-Маш ихээр
Vocabulary notebook 11
1. 1. You're in class. You've finished your work,and there's nothing else to do.
I'd probably feel bored
2. You are waiting for a friend at a restaurant, and the friend calls to say he or she can't meet you.
I think i'd be annoyed
3. A friend borrowed some of your CD s and returned them scratched.
I'd feel disappointed
4. You're on a dark and quiet street , and someone is following you.
I'd feel scared
2. 1. I feel very motivated to practice my english when I'm in class.
2. I think it's annoying when you've waiting someone but she doesn't come.
3. I was really shocked when my classmate is pregnant.
4. Sometimes i get frustrated when my girl friend talking about someone else.
5. I think it's embarrassing when you can't tell about you like most.
6. Sometimes I get confused when i calculating mathematic or or chemistry.
3. 1. I was so astonished that i couldn't take my eyes off it.
2. It was very upsetting to see her cry.
3. I'm terrified of the night.
4. I was very thrilled when i realized that i could do what i have always wanted to do.
I'd probably feel bored
2. You are waiting for a friend at a restaurant, and the friend calls to say he or she can't meet you.
I think i'd be annoyed
3. A friend borrowed some of your CD s and returned them scratched.
I'd feel disappointed
4. You're on a dark and quiet street , and someone is following you.
I'd feel scared
2. 1. I feel very motivated to practice my english when I'm in class.
2. I think it's annoying when you've waiting someone but she doesn't come.
3. I was really shocked when my classmate is pregnant.
4. Sometimes i get frustrated when my girl friend talking about someone else.
5. I think it's embarrassing when you can't tell about you like most.
6. Sometimes I get confused when i calculating mathematic or or chemistry.
3. 1. I was so astonished that i couldn't take my eyes off it.
2. It was very upsetting to see her cry.
3. I'm terrified of the night.
4. I was very thrilled when i realized that i could do what i have always wanted to do.
- Speculating- Эргэцүүлэх
- ceremony- ёслол
- Everyone-Хүн бүр
- Packet-Уут
- Funding-Санхүүжилт
- Opinion-Үзэл бодол
- Astonish-Гайхшруулах
- Confuse-Будилах
- Donation-Хандив
- Discreetly-Болгоомжлон
- Junior-Бага хүү
- Gown-Даашинз
- Reaction-Урвал нөлөө
- Explain-Тайлбарлах
- Slouch-Болхи
- Proud-Бахархах
- Perform-Гүйцэтгэх
- Ceremony-Ёс , зан үйл
- Somehow-Яагаад ч юм
- Unusual-Ер бусын
- Impact-Нөлөө
- Slouched-Бөхийх
- Vacation-Амралт
- Anxious-Санаа зовсон
- Successful-Амжилттай
- Athlete-Тамирчин
- Avenue-Өргөн чөлөө
- Middle-Гол бэлхүүс
- Nervous-Тэвдсэн
- Freshman-Шинэ хүн
- Motivate-Зоригжуулах
- Mainly-Голдуу, ихэнхдээ
Vocabulary notebook 10
1. 1. an animated film – funny bunny
2. a thriller - the spy who got away
3. a musical – singing in the street
4. a romantic comedy – loving you forever
5. a science – fiction movie – 2096 : living on mars
2. 1. Science – fiction
- District 9
- It’s about that alien’s mother ship crashed on the earth and aliens and humans live together . But for aliens it’s really hard to live with humans . so they seeking their way to fly away
2. thriller and science – fiction
- 28 weeks later
- it’s about that zombies covered the planet . one guy trying to escape after he wake up in the hospital while things going on
3. comedy
- liar liar liar
- there is a person who always lie live in the big city . but when his son wish his dad couldn’t lie for a day on his birthday , guy is in trouble
4. cartoon
- superman
- man from the pluton planet will be hero that protects people from the bad guys .
- Catch up - барих
- Since-Тэр үеэс хойш , сүүлд болсон
- Grab-Байлдан дагуулалт
- Serious-Бодолтой
- Recently-Сүүлийн үед
- Pottery-Вааран эдлэл
- Vase-Сав
- Information-Мэдээлэл
- Violent-Дийлдэшгүй
- Stunt-Өсөлт зогсох
- Treat-Сэтгэл ханах
- Signature-Гарын үсэг
- Occasional-Хааяа , тохиолдлын
- Comedy-Инээдмийн
- Fall in love-Хэн нэгэнд дурлах
- Bowl-Аяга , таваг
- Fall-Унах
- Sensuous-Мэдрэмтгий
- Ahead-Ирээдүйн
- Phase-Үе шат
- Reunion-Нэгдэл , цугларах
- Hang-Чимэх
- Alien-Харийн хүн
- Solo-Гоцлол
- Gentler-Нөхөрсөг
- Scene-Тайз
- Costume-Хувцасны хэв маяг
- Scary-Аймар
- Monster-Мангас
- Correct-Засах
- lute-хөгжимийн зэмсэг
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