1 | break up | салах |
2 | go back | буцаж нийлэх |
3 | get along | хэл амаа ололцдог |
4 | go out | найзлах, болзож эхлэх |
5 | settle down | нэг хүнийг нь сонгож үерхэх |
6 | sign up | бүртгүүлэх |
7 | work out | бүтэлтэй болох |
8 | crowd | олон найзууд |
9 | hung out | бусад цагаар хамтдаа өнгөрөөх |
10 | flew back | онгоцоор нисэж ирэх |
11 | turned out | унтраах |
12 | teengers | өсвөр насны хүүхэд |
13 | volunteer work | сайн дурын ажил |
14 | individual | хувь хүн |
15 | bring | аваачиж өгөх, шалтаг олох |
16 | complain | гомдол |
17 | hate | үзэн ядах |
18 | push | дарах, чирэх, түгээх |
19 | vocation | сонирхол, авъяас, ажил |
20 | bench | сандал, дархны ширээ |
21 | amusement | хөгжилдөөн, гайхах |
22 | saw | хөрөө, мэргэн үг |
23 | ticket | захиалга, билет |
24 | traditional | уламжлалт, жирийн |
25 | relax | сулруулах |
26 | limber up | бие халаах |
27 | modest | даруухан |
28 | yell | орилоон, хашиграан |
29 | guess | таамаглах |
30 | active | золбоолог, хөдөлгөөнтэй |
31 | involve | оруурах, хамруулах |
32 | spicy | хөдөлгөөнтэй, гангамсаг |
33 | curry | каригаар амталсан хоол |
34 | excellent | хүндэт, гойд сайн |
35 | quality | шинж тэмдэг, давуу тал |
36 | difficcult | хүнд, хэцүү |
37 | annoying | залхмаар, ядаргаатай |
38 | necessary | чухал |
39 | community | нийгэмлэг |
40 | wildly | аймхай, чанга |
41 | bulletin | тойм мэдээ |
42 | respond | хариу |
43 | express political | улс төрийн илэрхийлэх |
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Sunday, April 12, 2015
If I were President
This is an exciting topic with limitless possibilities. As a president, you are able to do a lot. In light of this, I you should probably pick a few things that are most important to you; you would not want to inundate people with too much. In light of this, here is what I would say.
First, I would address business practices, so that they are in line with the international community. Many foreign companies are hesitant to do business in Mongolia, because of the current economy climate. Making it easier for international companies to use India's talent pool, ability to speak English, and generally hard work ethic, will be a boon.
Second, I would focus on the importance of law and having a civil society. Last year, there was a terrible rape on a bus. This showed that there is big problem with treating women well in society.
Third, I would address the importance of taking care of the poor.
First, I would address business practices, so that they are in line with the international community. Many foreign companies are hesitant to do business in Mongolia, because of the current economy climate. Making it easier for international companies to use India's talent pool, ability to speak English, and generally hard work ethic, will be a boon.
Second, I would focus on the importance of law and having a civil society. Last year, there was a terrible rape on a bus. This showed that there is big problem with treating women well in society.
Third, I would address the importance of taking care of the poor.
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