Saturday, May 9, 2015
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Vocabulary notebook 12
1. Freak - Hailstorm
Heavy - Rain
Minor - Earthquake
Flash - Flood
Catastrophic - Thunder
2. A building was struck by lightning.
Electrical power was disrupted by an ice storm yesterday.
Two people were severely injured.
The village was struck by hailstones.
3. Freak accident - Томоохон осол
Heavy traffic - Замын түгжрээ
Major earthquake - Хүчтэй газар хөдлөлт
Minor injuries - Бага шиг шарх , хөнгөн гэмтэл
Heavy - Rain
Minor - Earthquake
Flash - Flood
Catastrophic - Thunder
2. A building was struck by lightning.
Electrical power was disrupted by an ice storm yesterday.
Two people were severely injured.
The village was struck by hailstones.
3. Freak accident - Томоохон осол
Heavy traffic - Замын түгжрээ
Major earthquake - Хүчтэй газар хөдлөлт
Minor injuries - Бага шиг шарх , хөнгөн гэмтэл
- Wind-Салхи
- Semiconductor-Хагас дамжуулагч
- Daily-Өдөр тутмын
- Snake-Могой
- Ring-Цагираг, бөгж
- Syllable-Үе , өчүүхэн жижиг хэсэг
- Hailstorm-Ширүүн мөндөр
- Founder-Байгуулагч, үндэслэгч
- Approximately-Ойролцоогоор
- Stolen-Хулгайлах
- Vastly-Маш их
- Legion-Олон тоо
- Contribution-Хувь нэмэр
- Essentially-Үнэн хэрэгтээ
- Far-Хол
- Typically-Ер нь
- Earthquake-Газар хөдлөлт
- Environment-Орчин тойрон
- Presence-Бэлэн байх
- Orient-Дээд зэргийн сувд
- Thunderstorm-
- Hurricane-Хар салхи
- Ware house-Тодорхойлох
- Partially-Хэсэгчлэн
- Progressive-Давшилттай , дэвших
- Entirely-Бүрэн дүүрэн
- Heavy rain-Хүчтэй ширүүн
- Roughly-Бүдүүлгээр
- Disrupt-Саад болох
- To identify-Маш ихээр
Vocabulary notebook 11
1. 1. You're in class. You've finished your work,and there's nothing else to do.
I'd probably feel bored
2. You are waiting for a friend at a restaurant, and the friend calls to say he or she can't meet you.
I think i'd be annoyed
3. A friend borrowed some of your CD s and returned them scratched.
I'd feel disappointed
4. You're on a dark and quiet street , and someone is following you.
I'd feel scared
2. 1. I feel very motivated to practice my english when I'm in class.
2. I think it's annoying when you've waiting someone but she doesn't come.
3. I was really shocked when my classmate is pregnant.
4. Sometimes i get frustrated when my girl friend talking about someone else.
5. I think it's embarrassing when you can't tell about you like most.
6. Sometimes I get confused when i calculating mathematic or or chemistry.
3. 1. I was so astonished that i couldn't take my eyes off it.
2. It was very upsetting to see her cry.
3. I'm terrified of the night.
4. I was very thrilled when i realized that i could do what i have always wanted to do.
I'd probably feel bored
2. You are waiting for a friend at a restaurant, and the friend calls to say he or she can't meet you.
I think i'd be annoyed
3. A friend borrowed some of your CD s and returned them scratched.
I'd feel disappointed
4. You're on a dark and quiet street , and someone is following you.
I'd feel scared
2. 1. I feel very motivated to practice my english when I'm in class.
2. I think it's annoying when you've waiting someone but she doesn't come.
3. I was really shocked when my classmate is pregnant.
4. Sometimes i get frustrated when my girl friend talking about someone else.
5. I think it's embarrassing when you can't tell about you like most.
6. Sometimes I get confused when i calculating mathematic or or chemistry.
3. 1. I was so astonished that i couldn't take my eyes off it.
2. It was very upsetting to see her cry.
3. I'm terrified of the night.
4. I was very thrilled when i realized that i could do what i have always wanted to do.
- Speculating- Эргэцүүлэх
- ceremony- ёслол
- Everyone-Хүн бүр
- Packet-Уут
- Funding-Санхүүжилт
- Opinion-Үзэл бодол
- Astonish-Гайхшруулах
- Confuse-Будилах
- Donation-Хандив
- Discreetly-Болгоомжлон
- Junior-Бага хүү
- Gown-Даашинз
- Reaction-Урвал нөлөө
- Explain-Тайлбарлах
- Slouch-Болхи
- Proud-Бахархах
- Perform-Гүйцэтгэх
- Ceremony-Ёс , зан үйл
- Somehow-Яагаад ч юм
- Unusual-Ер бусын
- Impact-Нөлөө
- Slouched-Бөхийх
- Vacation-Амралт
- Anxious-Санаа зовсон
- Successful-Амжилттай
- Athlete-Тамирчин
- Avenue-Өргөн чөлөө
- Middle-Гол бэлхүүс
- Nervous-Тэвдсэн
- Freshman-Шинэ хүн
- Motivate-Зоригжуулах
- Mainly-Голдуу, ихэнхдээ
Vocabulary notebook 10
1. 1. an animated film – funny bunny
2. a thriller - the spy who got away
3. a musical – singing in the street
4. a romantic comedy – loving you forever
5. a science – fiction movie – 2096 : living on mars
2. 1. Science – fiction
- District 9
- It’s about that alien’s mother ship crashed on the earth and aliens and humans live together . But for aliens it’s really hard to live with humans . so they seeking their way to fly away
2. thriller and science – fiction
- 28 weeks later
- it’s about that zombies covered the planet . one guy trying to escape after he wake up in the hospital while things going on
3. comedy
- liar liar liar
- there is a person who always lie live in the big city . but when his son wish his dad couldn’t lie for a day on his birthday , guy is in trouble
4. cartoon
- superman
- man from the pluton planet will be hero that protects people from the bad guys .
- Catch up - барих
- Since-Тэр үеэс хойш , сүүлд болсон
- Grab-Байлдан дагуулалт
- Serious-Бодолтой
- Recently-Сүүлийн үед
- Pottery-Вааран эдлэл
- Vase-Сав
- Information-Мэдээлэл
- Violent-Дийлдэшгүй
- Stunt-Өсөлт зогсох
- Treat-Сэтгэл ханах
- Signature-Гарын үсэг
- Occasional-Хааяа , тохиолдлын
- Comedy-Инээдмийн
- Fall in love-Хэн нэгэнд дурлах
- Bowl-Аяга , таваг
- Fall-Унах
- Sensuous-Мэдрэмтгий
- Ahead-Ирээдүйн
- Phase-Үе шат
- Reunion-Нэгдэл , цугларах
- Hang-Чимэх
- Alien-Харийн хүн
- Solo-Гоцлол
- Gentler-Нөхөрсөг
- Scene-Тайз
- Costume-Хувцасны хэв маяг
- Scary-Аймар
- Monster-Мангас
- Correct-Засах
- lute-хөгжимийн зэмсэг
Vocabulary notebook 9
1. 1. A: The music’s too loud.
B: I’ll turn it down.
2. A: I dunno what to do with these boxes.
B: You can put them away in the closet.
3. A: What does this word mean ?
B: I’ll look it up.
4. A: I need a copy of that document.
B: I’ll print it out.
5. A: I can’t hear the radio.
B:I’ll turn it up.
6. A: I’m allergic to these earrings.
B: Then I’d take them off.
2. 1. A: Could you pick me up next weekend ?
B: Sure . What time should I pick you up ?
2. A: I like this shirt , but does it look good ?
B: It’s a nice color . Why don’t you try it on ?
3. A:This shirt doesn't fit me , What should I do ?
B:If you have the receipt , take it back to store.
4. A: Hi Liza it’s me Sarah . Are you free now ?
B:Actually , I’m late for work . Can I call you back tonight ?
5. A:I can’t mix it . It’s not making a fusion.
B:I’ll show you how to put it together.
1 | tech support | технологийн дэмжлэг үзүүлэх |
2 | instruction manual | ашиглах заавар |
3 | plug | залгах, холбох |
4 | frequent | олон дахин, жирийн |
5 | марк, байрлал | |
6 | pilfer | хулгайлах |
7 | identification | төстэй байдал, магадлал |
8 | criminal | гэмт хэрэгтэн |
9 | unouthorized | зөвшөөрөлгүй, хориотой |
10 | victim | хохирогч, золиос |
11 | vulnerable-mail | халдаж болох имейл |
12 | suspicious | сэжигтэй |
13 | shred | жижиглэх, тасархай |
14 | garbage | хог, орхидос |
15 | recept | төсөөлөл |
16 | etiquette | ёс дүрэм, шошго |
17 | mistake | алдаа мадаг, төөрөгдөх |
18 | nearby | ойролцоо, хажууд, дэргэд |
19 | intercept | хэрчим, огтлох |
20 | binocular | дурангийн |
21 | telescope | дуран, хөдөлөх, мөргөлдөх |
22 | steal | хулгайлах |
23 | without permisson | зөвшөөрөлгүй, хориотой |
24 | figure out | таамаглах |
25 | hook up | нийлүүлж, холбох |
26 | look up | дээшлэх, сайжруулах |
27 | put away | нэг тийш тавих |
28 | put down | унтуулах, шүүмжлэх |
29 | put on | залгах, байгуулах |
30 | take off | хөөрөлт, өсөлт |
31 | take out | гаргаж авах, сонгох |
32 | throw away | хаях, гээх, алдах |
33 | turn down | эргүүлэх, татгалзах |
34 | turn off | унтраах |
35 | groceries | хүнсний бүтээгдэхүүн |
36 | scratch | шалбархай, маажих, санаандгүй |
37 | director | захирал, дарга |
38 | regulary | үе үе, тогтмол |
39 | periodically | тодорхой хугацааны дараа |
40 | unsubscribe | бүртгэлээ цуглуулах |
Vocabulary notebook 8
1. 1.I wouldn't worry for it.People usually forget about things like that.
2.I'd apologize immediately about forgetting to the date.
3.I'd offer to pay dinner about another time.
4.I'd tell her I was thinking about other things.
5.I wouldn't speak her about until she was less upset.
6.I'd blame my boss to keeping me in a meeting at work.
7.I'd wait her for finish , and then I'd remind her about the time she didn't meet me.
3.I explained the problem to my boss.
4.I forgive my friend for losing my CD.
5.My neighbor invited me to a party last week.
6.We complained to the neighbors about noise.
7.My parents blamed me for damaging their car.
2.I'd apologize immediately about forgetting to the date.
3.I'd offer to pay dinner about another time.
4.I'd tell her I was thinking about other things.
5.I wouldn't speak her about until she was less upset.
6.I'd blame my boss to keeping me in a meeting at work.
7.I'd wait her for finish , and then I'd remind her about the time she didn't meet me.
2. 1. I agreed to my boss about the best solution.
2.He applied about a job with software company.3.I explained the problem to my boss.
4.I forgive my friend for losing my CD.
5.My neighbor invited me to a party last week.
6.We complained to the neighbors about noise.
7.My parents blamed me for damaging their car.
1 | score | оноо, хожих |
2 | mistake | алдаа |
3 | apologize | уучлалт гуйх, хамгаалах |
4 | remind | захиж сургамжлах, санах |
5 | lend to | зээл олгох |
6 | wallet | хэтэвч |
7 | treat | эмчлэх |
8 | ticklet | тасалбар |
9 | worry about | бүү санаа зов |
10 | autograph | гарын үсэг |
11 | accident | осолдох |
12 | ambulance | түргэн тусламж |
13 | react | хариу үйлдэл илэрхийлэх |
14 | jealous | атаархах |
15 | complain | гомдол |
16 | abroad | гадаадад |
17 | regrets | гашуудал, харамсал |
18 | unsure | эргэлзсэн, баталгаагүй |
19 | career | ажил мэргэжил, амжилт |
20 | counselor | өмгөөлөгч, зөвлөгч |
21 | individual | биеэ даасан |
22 | through | дамжуулан |
23 | interests | ашиг сонирхол |
24 | suggest | санал болгох |
25 | fascinate | ховсдох, гайхалд оруулах |
26 | assitant | туслах ажилтан |
27 | apply | хэргэжүүлэх |
28 | industry | аж үйлдвэр |
29 | strengths | давуу тал |
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Vocabulary notebook 7
1. 1. go / move / hang away
2. wake / eat / work out
3. come / break / get back
4. wake / go / come over
5. sign / grow / sleep up
6. fall / eat / settle down
2. 1. wake
sign + up+ ...
2. go
sign +out +...
3. go back, break up, get along, go out, settle down, hung out
Thursday, April 23, 2015
"Annabelle" movie reviews
A word of advice for horror movie producers: If you’re going to riff on ‘70s horror classics like “The Omen” and “Rosemary’s Baby,” make sure to look more deeply at why those films connected with viewers rather than just stealing their imagery. Merely mimicking them aesthetically is a hollow exercise, and proof that you don’t understand that horror is more than a series of jump cuts and frightening images. Horror, at its best, taps into something deeper.
There’s nothing deep about “Annabelle,” the spin-off of “The Conjuring.” It offers surface level scares without the undercurrent of humanity needed to make them register. Director John R. Leonetti and writer Gary Dauberman work proficiently enough on a technical level to craft a few scenes that get the heart racing, but the climax of “Annabelle” is so misguided, silly and even offensive that any excuse genre fans may be inclined to make for the mediocre hour-and-a half that precedes it will likely turn to rage.
For the record—and it’s worth noting because of how angry our original review of “The Conjuring” still makes fans of that film—I was a fan of James Wan’s 2013 ghost story. The director took a giant leap forward in that work, proving he understands numerous elements that modern horror directors ignore, such as the use of sound design and setting to create tension. These elements are discarded in “Annabelle."
If you saw the 2013 hit, you remember the creepy doll that wouldn’t go away. Ghostbusters Lorraine and Ed Warren kept Annabelle in a locked case, recognizing the true evil held within. How did Annabelle go from a relatively harmless but totally creepy doll to a tool of the devil? “Annabelle” tries to tell that story, using the Manson Murders and “Rosemary’s Baby” as a backdrop. Some may be tempted to write off “Annabelle” on concept alone, in that it’s something of a cash grab, like a straight-to-video sequel designed to strike while a hit predecessor's iron is still hot. Still, I would argue that “Annabelle” has the core of a good film within it. It's about how changing times in the ‘70s, when otherwise safe neighborhood dwellers started locking their doors and apartment denizens began to suspect their neighbors; the iconography of youth became sinister. You can sense shreds of this idea in “Annabelle,” but the film doesn't develop them.
We learn that Annabelle was owned by a lovely young couple named Mia (Annabelle Wallis) and John (Ward Horton). In the run-up to the birth of their first child, John gave his wife the doll as a part of her extensive collection. As Mia nears her due date, the couple faces unimaginable horror in the form of a pair of Satanic cultists who break in, stab Mia in the belly, and end up dead in their home. The female cultist happens to be named Annabelle Higgins, and some of her blood lands on the doll Annabelle. Before you know it, Mia is seeing shadowy figures on the stairs, hearing noises in the night and realizing that something evil wants her baby.
Thematically, nothing in “Annabelle” is developed beyond a level that might make it suitable for horror movie manipulations. When we meet religious characters like Father Perez (Tony Amendola), “Annabelle” threatens to take on some "The Exorcist" or "The Omen"-like undertones, chronicling a time when some felt that Americans lost touch with their religious institutions. But the movie doesn’t really go there. When no one believes Mia’s haunting stories, “Annabelle” threatens to become a piece about how new mothers can be ignored, their concerns portrayed as the byproduct of hormones. But this notion isn't developed, either.
There are other problems. Wallis and Horton are remarkably unengaging leads. She mumbles, he over-emotes, and the doll is allowed to steal scenes. And the film is visually flat. Pan reveals (panning across a door or room to reveal something in the background) are over-used, and the sound is mixed to grating levels. It’s a movie that screams "Boo!" instead of trying to get under your skin. There is one great set piece involving a storage unit in the basement and an elevator that just won’t leave it, but that’s something you can watch on cable later, while ignoring the weak film that surrounds it.
Saturday, April 18, 2015
1 | break up | салах |
2 | go back | буцаж нийлэх |
3 | get along | хэл амаа ололцдог |
4 | go out | найзлах, болзож эхлэх |
5 | settle down | нэг хүнийг нь сонгож үерхэх |
6 | sign up | бүртгүүлэх |
7 | work out | бүтэлтэй болох |
8 | crowd | олон найзууд |
9 | hung out | бусад цагаар хамтдаа өнгөрөөх |
10 | flew back | онгоцоор нисэж ирэх |
11 | turned out | унтраах |
12 | teengers | өсвөр насны хүүхэд |
13 | volunteer work | сайн дурын ажил |
14 | individual | хувь хүн |
15 | bring | аваачиж өгөх, шалтаг олох |
16 | complain | гомдол |
17 | hate | үзэн ядах |
18 | push | дарах, чирэх, түгээх |
19 | vocation | сонирхол, авъяас, ажил |
20 | bench | сандал, дархны ширээ |
21 | amusement | хөгжилдөөн, гайхах |
22 | saw | хөрөө, мэргэн үг |
23 | ticket | захиалга, билет |
24 | traditional | уламжлалт, жирийн |
25 | relax | сулруулах |
26 | limber up | бие халаах |
27 | modest | даруухан |
28 | yell | орилоон, хашиграан |
29 | guess | таамаглах |
30 | active | золбоолог, хөдөлгөөнтэй |
31 | involve | оруурах, хамруулах |
32 | spicy | хөдөлгөөнтэй, гангамсаг |
33 | curry | каригаар амталсан хоол |
34 | excellent | хүндэт, гойд сайн |
35 | quality | шинж тэмдэг, давуу тал |
36 | difficcult | хүнд, хэцүү |
37 | annoying | залхмаар, ядаргаатай |
38 | necessary | чухал |
39 | community | нийгэмлэг |
40 | wildly | аймхай, чанга |
41 | bulletin | тойм мэдээ |
42 | respond | хариу |
43 | express political | улс төрийн илэрхийлэх |
Sunday, April 12, 2015
If I were President
This is an exciting topic with limitless possibilities. As a president, you are able to do a lot. In light of this, I you should probably pick a few things that are most important to you; you would not want to inundate people with too much. In light of this, here is what I would say.
First, I would address business practices, so that they are in line with the international community. Many foreign companies are hesitant to do business in Mongolia, because of the current economy climate. Making it easier for international companies to use India's talent pool, ability to speak English, and generally hard work ethic, will be a boon.
Second, I would focus on the importance of law and having a civil society. Last year, there was a terrible rape on a bus. This showed that there is big problem with treating women well in society.
Third, I would address the importance of taking care of the poor.
First, I would address business practices, so that they are in line with the international community. Many foreign companies are hesitant to do business in Mongolia, because of the current economy climate. Making it easier for international companies to use India's talent pool, ability to speak English, and generally hard work ethic, will be a boon.
Second, I would focus on the importance of law and having a civil society. Last year, there was a terrible rape on a bus. This showed that there is big problem with treating women well in society.
Third, I would address the importance of taking care of the poor.
Friday, April 10, 2015
Vocabulery notebook 6
1.1. make a good impression
2. do my best
3. make difference
4. make up my mind
2. 1. I'm going to travel make decision. I will be going airplane.
2. I'm thinking with Dogoo because mindful always mine.
3. I'm make fun of Naraa. She is really funny.
4. I like do volunteer work. It is separdate enjoy time wisely.
5. I'm study make an effort programming language.
3. 1. make big changes
2. make did not a mess
3. make study a dream
4. fast progress
5. what something buy a suggestion
6. write dream plans
7.go to walk in the home
4. 1. to do study programming language
2. to do study english
3. to do learing sew
4. to do travel in Russia and Egypt
5. to do make cook
2. do my best
3. make difference
4. make up my mind
2. 1. I'm going to travel make decision. I will be going airplane.
2. I'm thinking with Dogoo because mindful always mine.
3. I'm make fun of Naraa. She is really funny.
4. I like do volunteer work. It is separdate enjoy time wisely.
5. I'm study make an effort programming language.
3. 1. make big changes
2. make did not a mess
3. make study a dream
4. fast progress
5. what something buy a suggestion
6. write dream plans
7.go to walk in the home
4. 1. to do study programming language
2. to do study english
3. to do learing sew
4. to do travel in Russia and Egypt
5. to do make cook
1 | mentioned | санагдсан |
2 | deadline | эцсийн хугацаа |
3 | story | өгүүлэл |
4 | fabulous | аятайхан |
5 | reservation | урьдчилсан хугацаа |
6 | guess | таамаглал |
7 | schedule | хуваарь |
8 | research | судалгаа |
9 | organization | зохион байгуулалт |
10 | bully | аятайхан |
11 | ignore | татгаллзах |
12 | worse | муу |
13 | appointment | албан тушаал |
14 | representative | төлөөлөгч |
15 | might | магадгүй |
16 | colleague | хамт ажиллагч |
17 | impression | сэтгэгдэл |
18 | nervous | тогтворгүй |
19 | effort | хичээл зүтгэл |
20 | overdo | хэт их хичээх |
21 | recently | сүүлийн үеийн |
22 | promotion | дэмжлэг үзүүлэх |
23 | current | одоогийн |
24 | decide | шийдвэрлэх |
25 | subtract | хасах |
Vocabulary notebook 5
Monday, March 9, 2015
1 | stirpried noodles | шарсан гоймон |
2 | grilled shrimp | жигнэсэн сам хорхой |
3 | steamed vegetables | жигнэсэн ногоо |
4 | pickled cabbage | дарсан байцаа |
5 | roast lamb | хурганы шарсан мах |
6 | barbecued beef | ил галан дээр шарсан үхрийн мах |
7 | raw fish | түүхий загас |
8 | smoked fish | утсан загас |
9 | refrigerator | хөргөгч |
10 | nut | самар |
11 | carbohydrate | нүүрс ус |
12 | spicy | амтлагчтай хоол |
13 | nutritious | тэжээллэг |
14 | inexpensive | хямд |
15 | appetizer | зууш |
16 | pastry | жигнэгмэг |
17 | ingredient | орц |
18 | chutney | жимстэй халуун сүмс |
19 | chopped | хэрчим |
20 | mixture | найрлага |
21 | invention | зохион бүтээх |
22 | delicious | амттай |
23 | mayonnaise | майонез |
24 | vinegar | цагаан гаа |
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