1. 1. an animated film – funny bunny
2. a thriller - the spy who got away
3. a musical – singing in the street
4. a romantic comedy – loving you forever
5. a science – fiction movie – 2096 : living on mars
2. 1. Science – fiction
- District 9
- It’s about that alien’s mother ship crashed on the earth and aliens and humans live together . But for aliens it’s really hard to live with humans . so they seeking their way to fly away
2. thriller and science – fiction
- 28 weeks later
- it’s about that zombies covered the planet . one guy trying to escape after he wake up in the hospital while things going on
3. comedy
- liar liar liar
- there is a person who always lie live in the big city . but when his son wish his dad couldn’t lie for a day on his birthday , guy is in trouble
4. cartoon
- superman
- man from the pluton planet will be hero that protects people from the bad guys .
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